Classroom Teachers and Websites (if available)

Kindergarten - Mrs. Cesar, Mrs. Jurmo, and Mrs. Jenkins

1st Grade - Mrs. Julin (1 & 2 Split), and Ms. Goy, Mrs. Kochanski

2nd Grade - Mrs. Julin (1 & 2 Split), Mrs. Schwarb, and Mrs. Magro

3rd Grade - Mrs. Shaw, and Mrs. DeLisle

4th Grade - Mrs. Beels (4 & 5 Split), Mrs. Ross, and Mrs. Jaberoo

5th Grade - Mrs. Beels (4 & 5 Split), Ms. Simpson, and Mrs. Schilkey

Language Acquisition/Title One: Mrs. Selca and Mrs. Gadoury

Social Work - Mrs. Paige Greaves

Media Specialist - Mr. Steve Reinke

Art & STEM - Mrs. Miller

Music - Mrs. Shannon Abernathy

Physical Education -