Useful M-Step Information
M-Step Practice Test Online (Using Google Chrome Browser)
The M-Step test is basically the Smarter Balance Test, but on a Michigan Platform, we suggest looking at the available test items from Smarter Balance, for the appropriate grade level, here:
Grade level specific examples of “Classroom Activities” and “Performance Tasks”,4615,7-140-22709_70117_70118---,00.html
M-Step Readiness Timeline
M-Step Student Growth Percentile (Understanding Scoring of Students)
Math Information on BlackBoard
Login to BlackBoard and go to Digital Curriculum Library, then go to Elementary Math, click all grades, scroll down to M-Step, and click on Math Assessment Sample Items.
ELA Information on BlackBoard
Login to BlackBoard and go to Digital Curriculum Library, then go to Elementary Language Arts, go to State Assessment – M-Step, click on 3rd, 4th, or 5th Grade Performance Tasks.
General M-Step Information from Other Sources
Online Assessment Awareness: